What kind of client is most likely to benefit from your services?
Clients who report the most satisfaction and success from working with me are high-functioning adults who are ready to gain insight, improve their communication, and start making changes. Clients generally receive benefit from sessions proportionate to the energy and effort they put in.
How many sessions will I need to attend? How often will I come?
After our initial session I will make a recommendation about the duration and frequency of meetings. Sessions should occur frequently enough for you to feel supported and adequately challenged. They should be spaced apart enough for you to have time to practice implementing strategies and tools gained from the previous session.
Do you accept my health insurance plan?
I am not a provider for private insurance carriers. I can provide you with an insurance-ready statement if you would like to file for reimbursement; however, I would like to discuss the implications of this so you are fully informed.
Why don’t you accept private health insurance?
After working for a health insurance company for a short time, I discovered several things that are not a good fit with my philosophies about the work I do:
If an insurance claim is filed for your session, providers are required to give you a mental health diagnosis. In order for your insurance to cover charges for the session, your diagnosis must be considered “serious enough” to warrant therapy.
If an insurance claim is filed for your session, confidentiality is no longer guaranteed. I may be required to release session notes and other records to your insurance company. These then become a permanent part of your medical record.
Insurance companies usually pre-determine the number of sessions allowed to each client, regardless of the client’s needs or circumstances. I believe this is a decision to be made jointly by the client and clinician rather than by an employee of your insurance company who has never met you or me.
How do I pay for therapy sessions?
Sessions are automatically charged to your credit card on file through my practice management system.